Tuesday, June 7, 2011

On a Mission

This week I started the 31 Days to Clean Challenge. I'm on a day to two and let me just say, my kitchen is looking pretty darn good. What's been the biggest challenge to me so far is not putting things off to do until the end of the day. I'm full of excuses and reasons to put things off till the end of the day. I'm trying to make having a clean home a priority in my life.


Yesterday, I had to come up with a mission statement. This, was a HUGE struggle for me. The perfectionist in me just couldn't put together the words I wanted to say. After reading the forums on 31daystoclean.com I was able to get me mind wrapped around what I was wanting to represent my new way of living.

My mission is to have a clean home, not a pefect one.
One where a child can be a child without fear of messes. To make my home a place of comfort and not stress. To bless my husband for all that he does to support our family. And to make our home a place of rest, so that we may be able to enjoy each other and grow in Christ.

 It's never too late to join the challenge...check out Sarah Mae's book 31 Days to Clean Having a Martha House the Mary Way

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